For those still using film, this is where the digital road to a print starts. Our scanning services, especially our drum scans, set the foundation for the ultimate print. Photo Craft started scanning film for the purpose of making prints 20 years ago. We understand film and we know scanning. When you start with scans from Photo Craft you get the benefit of our 20 years of scanning on top of our 40 years of film processing and print making experience.
Aztek Drum Scanning
Drum scans are available at resolutions up to 8000 dpi. Film is fluid mounted, scanned in 16 bit color, meticulously inspected and cleaned for superior results. Drum scans can be made from 35mm slides and negatives up to 8X10 inch sheet film. Prices are based on the size in Mbs of the scanned file in 8 bit RGB color (uncompressed TIFF). Files returned as CMYK, grayscale or 16 bit color will be larger (CMYK or 16 bit) or smaller (grayscale). Scans are saved as TIFFs.
Fine Print: Our scan prices include general color, density and contrast adjustments to an original plus a reasonable amount of digital cleanup and maybe a touch of enhancement. At this point we recommend a LightJet proof be made for $12. If additional or excessive cleanup is required, we charge $90 per hour. To make a scan “print ready” you need to order a print and the cost of preparing the file for Exhibition Quality or Standard Level printing is included in the price of the initial print. We scan, work and print in an ICC compliant environment (some of us sleep in it, too). Our scanning is oriented toward full color photographic and wide gamut inkjet printing and is not press-ready as in a traditional “pre-press” scan. When ordering scans to be sent to printers other than Photo Craft we highly recommend purchasing a Match Print for $30 to submit with the scan file. The Match Print will include adjusting the file for the intended use. Typically, CMYK files are tagged US Web Coated (SWOP)v2. Photo Craft will not redo scans because other companies cannot print them correctly.
We offer discounts for scanning multiple originals. Call.
Imacon and Aztek Flat Bed Scans (Repro scans)
These scans are near drum quality at a fraction of the price. Scanned at 16 bit color depth and at true optical resolutions up to 8000 DPI, these scans are sharp and adjusted for density, contrast and color balanced. Film and flat art is dusted off prior to scanning, but scans are not digitally clean as part of the base pricing. Discounts for multiple originals are listed. This is a great service if you are building a library. Price is based on uncompressed TIFF RGB at 8 bit color. Scans are available from the following formats:
• From medium format (120/220 and 70mm) film including panoramic formats (6x17cm)
• 4x5, 5x7, 8x10 and 11x14 sheet film including aerial films (8x8 and 10x10) and X-ray films
• Photographic prints and flat art up to 12x18 inches (flat art up to 28” by 50” can be scanned and stitched)
* Price is based on the file size of an uncompressed RGB TIFF in 8 bit color
Originals are cleaned of dust, but price does not include digital cleanup.
• Digital cleanup and setting up files for particular use - $90 per hour
• Scans are written to CD for $7.50 per CD or DVD for $30 per DVD.
Note on resolution: While our scanners are capable of scanning at optical resolutions of 8000 dpi, seldom does anyone use 8000 dpi. Partly because files sizes would become horrendous and partly because most color films don’t respond well above 4000 dpi.